Key Checklist
Key Information for the Exhibition

5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Booth Information

What are the differences between Space-Only Booths, Shell Scheme Booths, and Premium Booths?
How should I prepare for exhibiting in a Shell Scheme or Premium Booth?
Is it possible to block or remove one of the Shell Scheme/Premium Booth partitions?
Can we insert our company logo on the fascia board of the Shell Scheme/Premium Booth?
What is the height limit for Space-Only Booths?
Is electricity provided for all booths?
What is included in the Shell Scheme and Premium Booths?

On-Site Information

How is exhibit move-in conducted?
What should we prepare to prevent the loss or theft of exhibits?
When will electricity be supplied?
When will the electricity be shut off?
How are exhibitor badges issued and collected?
How is visitor data provided?
Are transport tools provided for moving exhibits in and out?
Could you provide information about the exhibition admission fee and visitor invitations?
How can I purchase parking tickets?
Which parking lot is closest to Hall A?
Freight Truck Entry Routes
How are waste disposal and cleaning managed?
What are the guidelines for activities within the booth and event area?

Payment Guidelines

How much must be paid if the exhibition participation is canceled?
When will the electronic tax invoice for the participation fee be issued?
What should I do if the exhibitor and billing company are different?
I want to request a refund for a previous payment and arrange a new one.

EV TREND KOREA Website Information

Is it mandatory to complete the exhibitor profile?
I’ve submitted the exhibitor press release, but it’s not showing on the screen.